Solanum crispum glasnevin

Climbing plants and creepers

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Solanum crispum glasnevin

Postby Janeco » 26 Mar 2007 16:02

We planted a specimen against the south-facing back wall of our house about two years ago and it has grown prolifically. The roots look quite big. Is it safe to leave it against the house or is there a risk of it damaging the foundations? We pruned it hard last year and will do so again this year but it clearly likes its location very much.
Thank you for any advice. We will take it out if necessary. We live in an area of south London with clay soil and risk of subsidence - indeed our neighbours had problems caused by horse chestnut tree roots getting into their foundations.
Clean Hands
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Joined: 26 Mar 2007 15:58

Postby gardening_guru » 26 Mar 2007 18:35

The roots of a climber planted close to a house would not worry me. The roots of a tree would. But by all means seek a second opinion.
George aka The Gardening Guru
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