by gardening_guru » 23 Jul 2008 19:46
Hello Ant,
Is your Monstera deliciosa producing any aerial roots on the main stem? If so, you can remove the growing tip including some aerial roots and pot it up in some compost. Keep just moist and this should produce a new plant.
Alternatively you could try air layering.
Air layering involves removing a half inch ring of bark with a sharp knife and putting some hormone rooting powder on the newly damaged section of stem. Then wrap this section of stem in damp sphagnum moss and enclose in clear polythene, sealing either end with wire ties. 6-8 weeks later the humid conditions inside the polythene should have produced some new roots. You can now remove the polythene and moss and then carefuuly severe the rooted section just below the newly formed roots and pot up.
the parent plant will continue to grow despite the 'operation'.
George aka The Gardening Guru