Winter Care


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Winter Care

Postby bigoldbird » 27 Oct 2008 18:29

Please help ! I have never had 'green fingers' but have recently acquired some plants which I know will need some additional care in order for them to survive the winter. I have a number of banana plants (red leaves), a Castor plant, a box ball, some cannas (that's what the label says), two hostas and something that looks vaguely tropical and I'm still trying to identify.

Sorry to appear such a dunce but I'm out of my gardening depth here. I'm prepared to put the work in but need some pointers in the right direction.

Many thanks.[/b]
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Postby gardening_guru » 01 Nov 2008 21:33


You could start by splitting the plants into two groups being hardy and non-hardy.

The box ball and the Hostas can stay outside all winter.

The box will retain it's leaves all winter being evergreen, water maybe once per month during the winter, too much water can kill most plants during the winter months.

The Hosta leaves will probably have changed colour by now and will start to wither. Cut these leaves back as soon as any colour interest has gone. In the spring, you will notice the Hostas start to produce new shoots that look like upside down cones protruding through the compost or soil. These new shoots get bigger as the spring weather warms up and eventually open to reveal their new display of new foliage for the new season.

With all of the other plants you have mentioned, these all need some protection from winter frosts. Therefore bring them in the house, again restrict the watering to minimal and remove any spent leaves either now or in early spring. Feed once per month with a house plant feed. The Cannas will die back just like the Hostas and produce new leaves in the spring.

Hope I have been of some help.
George aka The Gardening Guru
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