polycarbonate in a wooden greenhouse

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polycarbonate in a wooden greenhouse

Postby rogersbottle » 31 Mar 2007 20:25


My second post.....

I am attempting to renovate an old wooden greenhouse that I inherited with the house I now live in. I am replacing the glass with polycarbonate (twin-wall), mainly as a safety precaution (enthusiastic toddler in garden!). Any suggestions as to how best to fit the polycarbonate? The glass was held in by nails tacked into the timber. My current thought is to put polycarboate fixing buttons to secure the bottom edge and use some strips of timber nailed down into the rafter to hold the long edge in place.

Ideas gratefully received

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Postby efarrar » 03 Apr 2007 15:52

In order to let as much light as possible into a glasshouse the glazing bars are by necessity very slender. Glass is a brittle material and very stiff whilst polycarbonate is more flexible. Logically, this would imply that there is more chance of the polycarbonate being displaced by strong winds. I suspect, also, that the coefficient of expansion for polycarbonate is much greater than that for glass and that this implies the need for greater tolerance in fixing.

Normally polycarbonate is fixed to very slender aluminium bars with spring clips which allow for expansion and contraction. The above information is based on logic, not experience and I would welcome comments from readers who have practical experience. Is there anybody out there that can supply more precise assistance?

A further check that should be considered is that of light transmission as polycarbonate absorbs around 5% of light per millimetre thickness, e.g. 3mm thick polycarbonate would only transmit 85% of light striking it, I cannot instantly locate information for the transmission of horticultural glass. Transmission of ultra violet light would also be of interest,
I look forward to replies from more informed readers.

Hope this helps a little.
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Re: polycarbonate in a wooden greenhouse

Postby greenhouseseller » 14 May 2012 09:59

This is the question of using glass or polycaronate. Polycarbonate will retain more heat whereas glass will let in more light. You pick which is most important to you. Also polycarbonate is best if you have youngsters playing ball near the greenhouse.
Silicon is great with polycarbonate, not sure about glass.
Because of the date of your post you probably have already sorted out your problem, what did you use ?
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Re: polycarbonate in a wooden greenhouse

Postby JackPonting » 18 Jun 2012 12:16

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