Propagating Viburnum bodnantense

Plant propagation and nursery techniques

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Propagating Viburnum bodnantense

Postby Monica » 19 Mar 2011 21:29


Does anyone know which is the easiest method to propagate Viburnum bodnantense?
I was walking in my home town a couple of weeks ago and passed one of these shrubs in a front garden. I'm going to buy one, I think they are really useful shrubs, flowering prolifically despite all that severe winter weather we had.
I always try to propagate from all plants I purchase, so if anyone could advice on the best method of propagtion I would be grateful.
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Postby gardening_guru » 20 Mar 2011 19:30

Hello Monica,

I would suggest taking cuttings of Viburnum bodnantensein May. Use the youngest growth from the stem tips. The cuttings should be nodal i.e. the cut made just below the point on the stem where a pair of leaves protrude. The last pair of leaves at the stem tip shoud be retained, (strip the others from th cutting) the cutting should be 3 pairs of nodes in length below the tip pair of leaves. Dip the cuttings in hormone rooting compound and then poke into well-drained cuttings compost.
Good luck!
George aka The Gardening Guru
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Postby sorna » 20 Jun 2011 07:12

Thanks for sharing. :roll:

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