Bonsai Plant dying slowly, please help.

Indoor and house plants

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Bonsai Plant dying slowly, please help.

Postby amallon » 16 Oct 2012 13:38

I purchased a bonsai tree back in June and all was going well until we went on holidays at the end of August. We were gone for 2 weeks but had someone house sitting for a week and they were to water the plants. When we arrived back the other plants were fine but the bonsai was looking very poorly. Since we have been home its been watered regularly but there is no sign of any improvement. The leaves will fall off with the slightest touch.
Can anyone suggest anything I can try.

This is a photo of the plant.
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Re: Bonsai Plant dying slowly, please help.

Postby naomikaka » 25 Mar 2013 09:22

I like orchid and also grow them in my garden.


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Re: Bonsai Plant dying slowly, please help.

Postby SFrost » 16 Sep 2013 07:13

Same happened to me actually and I also don't know the cause :( I was looking for help on bonsai dedicated forums but users there couldn't help me. Bad luck i guess.

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Re: Bonsai Plant dying slowly, please help.

Postby gardening_guru » 12 Oct 2013 17:12


That bonsai looks like it reached permanent wilting point whilst you were away on holiday. I wouldn't hold out much hope for those particular leaves but it could well produce new foliage in the spring if the plant is still alive. Scrape under the bark with a sharp knife, if the plant is still alive you will discover green wood under the bark. If brown under the bark, probably dead I'm afraid. If it's alive sink the whole container in a bowl of water and let it soak up water until the air bubbles stop rising to the surface. Then give it a prune in the spring to try and encourage the development of new shoots.
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