Lupin 'The Governor'
Lupinus 'The Governor'
Common Name: Lupin 'The Governor'
Genus: Lupinus
Cultivar: 'The Governor'
The Latin translation of the word Lupinus comes from the Latin word for ‘wolf’; a reference to how some Lupinus species often smother and kill other weaker plants as they colonise an area of land.
Category: Perennials
Growth Rate: Average
Features: Has interesting foliage
Hardiness: Hardy | Height: 1.00 m (100 cm) |
Sun/Shade: Full sun or Partial shade | Spread: 0.75 m (75 cm) |
Foliage Type: Deciduous | Flower Colour: Blue, White |
Foliage Colour: Green | Flowering Period: June & July |
Soil Type: Normal/Loam or Sandy/Light
Soil Moisture: Moist, but well drained
Lupinus ‘The Governor’ is a member of the pea and bean family. It is a herbaceous perennial, capable of forming large clumps. Lupinus ‘The Governor’ produces upright flower spires of blue and white flowers during summer. Prompt dead-heading produces a second flush of smaller flowers. The leaves are mid-green and palmate. In less than ideal conditions Lupinus ‘The Governor’ can be short lived.
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