Plant Types
We have over 2,000 plants listed in our database:

Drought Tolerant Plants - (68)
Drought tolerant plants can sustain significant periods of drought. However, even these plants will need watering after planting until their root systems become fully established.

Ericaceous Plants - (7)
Ericaceous plants require acidic or ericaceous soil in which to thrive. Chalky or lime (alkaline) soil can turn their leaves yellow and may even kill them.

Annuals & Biennials - (14)
Annual plants complete their entire life cycle in one year, whereas Biennial plants complete their life cycle over two growing season.

Perennials - (70)
Evergreen or herbaceous plants that generally live longer than 2 years but don't develop woody stems.

Shrubs and Sub-shrubs - (78)
Multi-stemmed, woody shrubs and sub-shrubs with soft stems, whose branches grow from the base rather than from a single trunk.

Climbers & Wall Shrubs - (2)
Climbing plants, creepers and shrubs suitable for growing against a wall, trellis, or other plants.

Trees - (4)
Large, woody, perennial plants with a single main stem and crown of branches with foliage.

Bulbs, Corms, Tubers & Rhizomatous Plants - (1)
Plants that have some kind of storage organ.