Welcome to the Gardening Guru Blog

Welcome to the inaugural Gardening Guru Blog, hopefully the first of many to come.
Welcome to the very first blog entry from the PlantAdvice.co.uk website.
We seem to have been very busy over the quiet winter months, not with gardening, as it's been a bit nippy this winter, but with getting the new sections of the website ready for the spring and the beginning of the new gardening season. It's been a bit of a slog, but hopefully we've now got all of the essential elements of the site in place.
We've tried to improve the general navigation of the site, while adding lots of new sections. Our plant advice section will hopefully grow into a comprehensive database of plants as a general on-line reference. While I've only managed to add a few at the moment, like our gardens, this should soon begin to blossom. I just need to find some way of making time in between all of my gardening duties to add all of these!
We have also created a new section called Garden Advice as a central place for general gardening advice, incorporating our Top Tips, FAQs, this Blog with its own RSS feed, a glossary of common gardening terms and phrases and a selection of links to other useful gardening websites.
If you're not quite sure what RSS is or a news feed, then we've written a simple little tutorial for you called "What is RSS?". This explains in simple terms how RSS can help you keep up to date with the latest gardening news and events that you choose.
While some of these sections may not have a lot of content at the moment, over the coming months we hope that these will grow into a large on-line reference source for the keen gardener. So please keep visiting to watch the site grow, and if you have any specific entries you'd like us to add, let us know.
Happy gardening - George (aka The Gardening Guru)
For more information see:
What is RSS?
Filed under General.