
Cerastium tomentosum

Snow-in-Summer - Cerastium tomentosum

Common Name: Snow-in-Summer
Genus: Cerastium
Species: tomentosum

The Greek translation of the word Cerastium refers to the horn-like shape of the seed capsules that some species of this Genus produce.

Category: Perennials
Growth Rate: Fast growing
Features: Suitable for ground cover

Hardiness: HardyHeight: 0.10 m (10 cm)
Sun/Shade: Full sun or Partial shadeSpread: 1.00 m (100 cm)

Foliage Type: Semi EvergreenFlower Colour: White
Foliage Colour: Grey/SilverFlowering Period: June & July

Soil Type: Sandy/Light or Chalky/Alkaline
Soil Moisture: Dry, well drained

If you want to cover an area of soil quickly and the site is in full sun, on poor or moderately nutritious soil, then this is probably the plant for you. Cerastium tomentosum is a very fast growing, potentially invasive perennial. It is very low growing, concentrating on producing a ground-covering mat. Cerastium tomentosum has short, thin, silver leaves. The flowers are white and star shaped, they are produced in late spring and early summer.


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